CE Class - Buying HUD Homes: A Guide for Agents

Upcoming CE Class - Buying HUD Homes: A Guide for Agents Classes:

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ReeceNichols Training
Instructor: Shawn Muller
1/15/25, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
KS 3 clock hours
MO 3 clock hours
This course will be in-person at the Town Center Training Room at the Corporate office.

Agents will receive 3 hours elective credit in Kansas and Missouri.

Space is limited - please notify training@reecenichols.com or call 913-266-5638 if you need to cancel.

ReeceNichols Training
Instructor: Susan Kitzsteiner
1/29/25, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
KS 3 clock hours
MO 3 clock hours
This course will be in-person at the Granada Training Center at the Corporate office.

Agents will receive 3 hours CORE credit in Kansas and 3 hours elective credit in Missouri.

Space is limited - please notify training@reecenichols.com or call 913-266-5638 if you need to cancel.

ReeceNichols Springfield
Instructor: Shawn Muller
4/4/25, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
KS 3 clock hours
MO 3 clock hours
This course will be in-person at REECENICHOLS SPRINGFIELD.

Agents will receive 3 hours elective credit in Kansas and Missouri.

Space is limited - please notify training@reecenichols.com or call 913-266-5638 if you need to cancel.

ReeceNichols Training
Instructor: Susan Kitzsteiner
4/9/25, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
KS 3 clock hours
MO 3 clock hours
This course will be in-person at the Granada Training Center at the Corporate office. Agents will receive 3 hours elective credit in Kansas and Missouri.

Space is limited - please notify training@reecenichols.com or call 913-266-5638 if you need to cancel.

ReeceNichols Training
Instructor: Susan Kitzsteiner
8/20/25, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
KS 3 clock hours
MO 3 clock hours
This course will be in-person at the Granada Training Center at the Corporate office.

Agents will receive 3 hours REQUIRED CORE FAIR HOUSING credit in Missouri and 3 hours elective credit in Kansas.

Space is limited - please notify training@reecenichols.com or call 913-266-5638 if you need to cancel.

ReeceNichols Training
Instructor: Susan Kitzsteiner
9/17/25, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
KS 3 clock hours
MO 3 clock hours
This course will be in-person at the Granada Training Center at the Corporate office.

Agents will receive 3 hours CORE credit in Kansas and 3 hours elective credit in Missouri.

Space is limited - please notify training@reecenichols.com or call 913-266-5638 if you need to cancel.

ReeceNichols Training
Instructor: Susan Kitzsteiner
11/5/25, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
KS 3 clock hours
MO 3 clock hours
This course will be in-person at the Granada Training Center at the Corporate office. Agents will receive 3 hours elective credit in Kansas and Missouri.

Space is limited - please notify training@reecenichols.com or call 913-266-5638 if you need to cancel.